
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Book Sale

Happy Bay, the first book in the Happy Bay novel trilogy is on sale for just $2.99 @Amazon #Kindle edition. Move to the beach, fall in love, and never return.Click here to order

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Six questions to ask yourself before choosing a career as an entertainer

1. Do people identify with you? Your own gender wants to be you and the opposite sex wants to be with you.

2. Can you personally interact with a large group of people? Making your audience feel a part of your entertainment experience is crucial to your success.

3. Does your message resonate? Whether it be acting, music, dance, or comedy your performance needs to move people in some way…to bring emotions to the surface and touch them inwardly. I met a waitress in Texas that had a local artist’s lyrics tattooed on her arm. A perfect example.

4. Are you marketable? Talent is a bonus, but the amount of talent takes a back seat to marketability. This is nothing new to the industry. Bringing something unique to the table gets you noticed. Talent, of course, will determine whether you will stay in it for the long run. You need to evolve to remain viable and not be remembered as a one trick pony or one hit wonder.

5. Are you prepared to struggle? Most artists begin in poverty, but the steady “real job” paycheck will sap your energy and dim your interest if you let it. It isn’t exactly an all-in situation, but be prepared to expend a lot of energy on very little sleep if you try to do both. Either way, it will be a struggle.

6. Do you have a reliable support system? Whether it be your significant other, band mates, friends, or parents, people that understand you have your eye on the prize and are willing to make sacrifices to help you achieve your goal are extremely important. If your support system collapses, your career may shortly follow.

Entertaining is a labor of love. Just the satisfaction from your performance efforts will be your only motivation for a long time. Faith, determination, and patience are key to your success. 

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